速報APP / 攝影 / Izzit - Combined Photo Meme Creator

Izzit - Combined Photo Meme Creator



檔案大小:47.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:英語, 越南文

Izzit - Combined Photo Meme Creator(圖1)-速報App

Create a combined photo meme now! If you have ever wanted to create a side by side photo comparison, or a combined meme using two photos, then Izzit is the tool for you. Download and try it for free now.

Create a side by side comparison of someone you know who looks like a celebrity, an animal or object, add a caption to it and send it on to your friends, family members or work colleagues. It’s so easy and fun!

Izzit is all about creating a meme by using any two photos. It has been designed to be fun, easy to use, powerful, and best of all we are giving it away free.

Izzit - Combined Photo Meme Creator(圖2)-速報App

Out of the box, the application comes with a sophisticated text editor which allows you to add strokes to your text captions, as well as change the text size and character spacing. It also allows you to pan, zoom, crop, rotate and add simple image effects to your photos. This power gives you total control on how your photo comparison will look when you decide to save it or send it to a friend.

If you Go Pro (bought through an in app purchase) then extra functionality is provided by allowing you to move your captions to anywhere on the photo as well as change the fonts, font colors and stroke colors.

If that is not enough for you, then there are also font extension packs available for purchase at really cheap prices which give you access to different types of fonts, such as graffiti, handwriting, science fiction plus many more. New packs are being released all the time so keep an eye out for them when you update your app.

Have some fun and let us know what you think of the app.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad